4th Yoshida Prize
4th Yoshida Prize
The Yoshida Prize committee selected Professor Aiwen Lei at Wuhan University as the 4th awardee.
The award ceremony took place at the Yoshida Prize Symposium which was held at Kyoto on November 19, 2019.
At the symposium, Prof. Lei and two other distinguished organic chemists, Prof. Satoshi Maeda at Hokkaido University and Prof. Atsushi Wakamiya at Kyoto University, gave a scientific presentation.
1. Satoshi Maeda ( Hokkaido University )
Paths of Chemical Reactions and Their Networks: An Approach to Simultaneously
Predict Both Chemical Reactions and Their Mechanistic Insights
2. Atsushi Wakamiya ( Kyoto University )
Materials Chemistry for Printable Solar Cells
3. The Yoshida Prize Ceremony
4. The Yoshida Prize Lecture
Aiwen Lei ( Wuhan University, China )
Oxidative Cross-Coupling Reactions — the Chemistry between Two “Nucleophiles”