Yoshida Prize
7th Yoshida Prize Symposium

6th Yoshida Prize Symposium

5th Yoshida Prize Symposium

Professor Dan Yang(Westlake University)
Professor Ken-Tsung Wong(National Taiwan University)
November 10, 2021|Rihga Royal Hotel Kyoto
4th Yoshida Prize Symposium

Professor Aiwen Lei(Wuhan University, China)
November 19, 2019|Rihga Royal Hotel Kyoto
3rd Yoshida Prize Symposium

Professor Teck Peng Loh (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
November 8, 2017 | Rihga Royal Hotel Kyoto
2nd Yoshida Prize Symposium

Professor Sukbok Chang ( Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea)
November 4, 2016 | Rihga Royal Hotel Kyoto
1st Yoshida Prize Symposium

Professor Kuiling Ding (Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chienese Academy of Sciences, China)
January 30, 2015 | Rihga Royal Hotel Kyoto