2nd Yoshida Prize
2nd Yoshida Prize
The Yoshida Prize committee selected Professor Sukbok Chang at KAIST as the second awardee.
The award ceremony took place at the Yoshida Prize Symposium which was held at Kyoto on November 4, 2016.
At the symposium, Prof. Chang and two other distinguished organic chemists, Prof. Hiroshi Shinokubo at Nagoya University and Prof. Hiroki Oguri at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, gave a scientific presentation.
1. Hiroshi Shinokubo (Nagoya University)
Synthesis of Exotic π-Conjugated Systems with Unique Properties
2. Hiroki Oguri (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
Development of Chemical Assembly Lines for Skeletally Diverse Natural Products and Its Variants
3. The Yoshida Prize Ceremony
4. The Yoshida Prize Lecture
Sukbok Chang (KAIST, Korea)
Two Directions in the Catalytic Functionalization of Hydrocarbons