6th Yoshida Prize Symposium
The 7th Yoshida Prize
The Yoshida Prize committee selected Professor Young-Tae Chang at POSTECH as the 7th awardee. The award ceremony took place at the Yoshida Prize Symposium which was held at Kyoto (also online) on November 28, 2022. At the symposium, Prof. Chang and two other distinguished organic chemists, Prof. Hirohisa Ohmiya at Kyoto University and Prof. Mieko Arisawa at Kyushu University, gave a scientific presentation.
1. Hirohisa Ohmiya (Kyoto University)
Radical Organocatalysis
2. Mieko Arisawa (Kyushu University)
Metal-catalyzed Synthesis, Design, and Biological Activity of Organoheteroatom Compounds
3. The Yoshida Prize Ceremony
4. The 7th Yoshida Prize Lecture; Young-Tae Chang (POSTECH)
Universal Strategy for Live Cell Distinction Using Fluorescent Probe