
1st Yoshida Prize

1st Yoshida Prize

The Yoshida Prize is awarded to an organic chemist who is recognized to have been most active among Asian countries.
The Yoshida Prize committee selected Professor Kuiling Ding at Shanghai Institute for Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences as the first awardee.
The award ceremony took place at the Yoshida Prize Symposium which was held at Kyoto on January 30, 2015.
At the symposium, Prof. Ding and two other distinguished organic chemists, Prof. Hidehiro Sakurai at Osaka University and Prof. Yukari Fujimoto at Keio University, gave a scientific presentation.

Professor Kuiling Ding


1. Professor Hidehiro Sakurai (Osaka University)

Palladium Meets Gold: Peculiar Activity of Bimetallic Gold/Palladium Alloy Nanoclusters

2. Professor Yukari Fujimoto (Keio University)

Chemistry and Immunomodulation of Microbial Glycoconjugates

3. Yoshida Prize Ceremony

4. 1st Yoshida Prize Lecture

Professor Kuiling Ding (Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sieneces)
Chiral Catalyst Evolution: Rational Design & Serendipity

5. Banquet

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