
3rd Yoshida Prize

3rd Yoshida Prize

The Yoshida Prize committee selected Professor Teck Peng Loh at Nanyang Technological University as the third awardee.
The award ceremony took place at the Yoshida Prize Symposium which was held at Kyoto on November 8, 2017.
At the symposium, Prof. Loh and two other distinguished organic chemists, Prof. Jun Terao at the University of Tokyo and Prof. Junko Ohkanda at Shinshu University, gave a scientific presentation.

Professor Teck Peng Loh


1. Jun Terao (The University of Tokyo)

Synthesis of Functionalized Molecular Wire Directed toward Molecular Electronics

2. Junko Ohkanda (Shinshu University)

Assembled Synthetic Mimics of Protein Surfaces and Interactions

3. The Yoshida Prize Ceremony

4. The Yoshida Prize Lecture

Teck Peng Loh ( Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Development of New and Efficient Synthetic Methodologies

5. Banquet

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